A Four-Seasons Day


The weather today has provided a perfect backdrop to the drama of starting on the boat. As the bus wound its way down over the Mendips, the Levels were awash with golden light, but by the time we were in Wells it was hailing.


The stormy skies and half-light of the day made our new workshop seem a bright haven (though not quite cosy enough to risk taking off our coats, hats and gloves)

truck loaded


We spent an exciting afternoon wrestling with timber and getting everything together for the boat, ready for marking out tomorrow. Then, to round off the day, we had a great session with our friends at the Langport Huish Youth Club.


The adventure of making the boat has just begun.

One thought on “A Four-Seasons Day

  1. Have been excitedly wondering what’s been happening, and if there’s snow down there : ) looking forawrd to hearing more

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